

Hello everybody!
I would talk bout my family and a little bit of my self.
I was born on 3rd of August 1991, in Castelló d'Empúries, I have two brothers, Jofre and Eloi.
Jofre is 19 years old and Eloi is 11 years old. Jofre studies 2nd of Biotecnhology at the university of Vic, he has had a girl friend, for 4 years.
My granparents are called: Teres (mother) and Salvi (father), Teresa is a teacher at Primary school and my father is the mayor of Castelló d'Empúries.
Last summer I worked at the summer school as a monitor with my brother, Jofre.
I have a lot of hobbies: I play football and more sports, play play-station, talk in messenger, watch T.V, Sleep...
I hate high School, but it's necessary if you want to go to university.
When I was a child my dream was to play for Barça, but now I think it's impossilble and I want to be phisyo.
I hope I haven't bored you all too much and til next time.

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