
Hello Class!
I'm very angry, because my parents punished me, because my tutor phone my mum.
I don't know why, the tutor said that I was talking too much in class, but it's false!
In conclusion, I couldn't go out last weekend.
Not only I'm angry for that, also I'm angry because we lost the local derby with Perelada by 1-3, Saturday afternoon. We were robbed by the referee.
But....this weekend I think I'll go out at night, for as long as possible!



I will talk you about my favourites groups.
I have many favourite groups.
In general I like the Catalan groups: Obrint pas, Brams, Dekrèpits, MATATS....
Before, I liked Lax'n'Busto but they changed the singer and they aren't the same.
I like foreign music too. For examle: Skalariak, Green Day, Melendi, Bob Marley, Delinqüentes...
I think music is an enjoyable pass-time.
I like the majority of types of music: Ska, Pop, Rock, Reegae, Catalant Rock...
But I don't like all types of music, I hate reggeton, I think it is a stupid music, and the lyrics don't mean anythink.


Climatic Changes

Hello, today I will talk a little bit about Climatic Changes, because it's an every day topic because it effect everyone of us.
I think it's a desaster for the earth, and only are to blame, because we provoke pollution.
We have shown that the human race are stupid and the poor animals and plants pay for it.
It's shameful that at this moment, there are people saying: "It's false", "it's a lie", "it's stupid"....
I think we should change our minds if we want to improve the planet situation.



Hello everybody!
I would talk bout my family and a little bit of my self.
I was born on 3rd of August 1991, in Castelló d'Empúries, I have two brothers, Jofre and Eloi.
Jofre is 19 years old and Eloi is 11 years old. Jofre studies 2nd of Biotecnhology at the university of Vic, he has had a girl friend, for 4 years.
My granparents are called: Teres (mother) and Salvi (father), Teresa is a teacher at Primary school and my father is the mayor of Castelló d'Empúries.
Last summer I worked at the summer school as a monitor with my brother, Jofre.
I have a lot of hobbies: I play football and more sports, play play-station, talk in messenger, watch T.V, Sleep...
I hate high School, but it's necessary if you want to go to university.
When I was a child my dream was to play for Barça, but now I think it's impossilble and I want to be phisyo.
I hope I haven't bored you all too much and til next time.


Another weekend!

Hello everybody!
I'm cheerful, because we win an important match, we win 1-2 in the Farners house.
It's an important victory for a lot of things: because Farners was the 4th classificated, because was in her house, because this victory give us esteem for the next match, with Perelada, the local Derby!
We are 5th but the classification is tight, and Perelada only has got 2 points less.
On this Saturday night we went to a Fata and I spent a good time, but on Sunday morning we sleep until 13:30, and I had headache, but afternoon I studied a little bit of Spanish.


Tragic week!

Hy Guys!
In this entry I'm writting you about my next week.
Next week is going to be worst of the first term because we have five exams, it's horrible!
The first day of the week, I haven't got any exams... but on Tuesday we have our quartely exam of Philosophy.
On Wednesday we have a Physics exam, it's very difficult, and I have a 5,5 of the other exam.... and also I have an exam of P.E.
Thursday we have a Catalan exam, but it isn't difficult, it's easy and I have a 6,3 from the other exam, and 5,85 from the lecture exam because I made many mistakes.
On Friday we have two exams:
-One exm of Human Biology, it's our quartely exam, and I don't know how it is going to be.
- And finally, I have a maths exam, but for this, I'm relaxed because I had a 10 on the other exam.


Oral Presentation!

I write you, my oral presentation:

Hello class!

I will talk you about my hobbies in general, and I explain you a little bit of someone.
I have a lot of hobbies, for example: do sports, listen music, go out in the night, sleep, meet to friends.

First I talk about my favourite hobby: sleep.
Sleep is the best think one can do, I think, if I don’t sleep, I’m died.
One of the thinks that I hate Batxillerat is that the class start at 8 o’clock, the first hour it’s horrible, everybody are sleeping and the class is bore.

Now, I talk about another hobby, play football:
I play football with Esplais, the team of my life; I have been playing for 11 years. My position in the football field is left winger because my best foot is the left.
I’m also I like watch it in TV. In special Barça, because it’s my favourite team, and I thought it was the best team of the world, but the last and this year, Barça do the clown. Barça has the best players in the world, Messi (actually is the best footballer for me), Ronaldinho, Deco, Iniesta, Yaya Toure…etc. but someone don’t run in the match, and they are sleeping when he playing a match, for example Ronaldinho, in this photo you can see before, the best player in the world, but now you can see a fat man. But I hope this year they will win something important… the Spanish league minimum and if is possible the Champions league too.
Not only I like watch football in TV.
Also I watch motorbike; my favourite motor driver is Pedrosa with the number twenty six, this year Pedrosa came second in the World Champion Chip, and the winner has been Stoner with the number twenty seven. The favourite motor driver is Rossi with the number forty six, he have a famous nickname THE DOCTOR, but he has been third, is the deception of the world champions chip.
Also I like watch ACB in TV, the Spanish league of Basketball.
In summer I was rowing, with Marius, Jordi, Xuki and another’s company’s.

Another hobby: met with friends, because, you suppose that they are the persons with who you can trust.

More hobbies: go out in the night, because in the party you enjoyed, smile, drink…., but, If I go out in the night, next morning I must sleep until the time of the lunch and then I must do siesta.

And finally, the last hobby that I explain you, listen music.
In the depression moments or also I’m boring, I use to listen music. I listen a lot of types of Music. Ska, rock català, reggae… my favourites groups are Obrint Pas, Brams, Lax’n’Busto…and more and more groups. I hate reggeton.


The Weekend!

Hy guys!

I'm very happy, because I had had got a 10 of Maths, not only for that, also because this weekend we win Tordera, for 4-1, well... Tordera is the bad team and it was easy to win this match. The proximatly match will be for the first team of the category, the Gironès Sabat, it's the best team of the league, and I hope that we will give the sorprise and win the match.
This weekend also, I went to Navata, because Dekrepits did a concert.
All Sunday, I was sleeping.

Bye bye, see you in class!


This weekend!

This weekend has been a god weekend, because we win the first match that we play in the league on Saturday afternoon! We win for 0-2 in Blanes. It's a good reult for us, because our objective of this league is don't down to second devision. At Saturday night I went out with my friends in village.
Sunday morning I slept until 12 and then we went to lunch in a restaurant with my family, and afternoon we read a part of one book and sutudied a little bit.
By people!


I love this game!

I presents you my blog:

In this first text, I write about football, because it's my favourite sport and I love it.

I play football with Esplais, the team of my life, I have been playing since I was five years old. My position in the football field is left winger because my best foot is the left.

My favourite team is Barça. Barça was founded in 1899. The stadium of Barcelona is called Camp Nou, it is 50 years old.

Barça it's the team of my dreams, and I think is the best club in the world, it has the best players in the world: Messi, Puyol, Henry, Ronaldinho, Deco....etc. I hope this year we will win the Spanish League and the Campions League.

The maximum rival is Real madrid, but they haven't a got a good team, they are a grup of a Clowns!

I have finished my first text, I hope than you like it.

Bye Bye!