
My Class!

Hello, today I write about my class: 1st of Batxillerat A.
I like this class, I have a lot of friends, I think it's the better class that I have had in my life. I laught a lot when I am in class, always there are two or more people that they fight, for example: David Martin, Bernardo, Jake...etc. But not all is good in this class, because only there are 6 girls, another class 1st of Batxillerat B there are 26 girls...!!!!! But not all is possible! I'm funny when I am in my class and I think this is the most important thing!
Xuki we always remember you...XD!



In this text, I writte about the best Basektball league in the world, NBA!
Because I LIKE THIS GAME, I like the spectacles, I like sports... one match of the NBA is one wonder for sight, and furthermore the latest years some Spanish players have gone to this league!
I haven't got a favourite team but I like Lakers, Toronto, Cleveland, Denver... but my favourite player is Tracy Mcgrady, he plays with Houston Rockets, her number is 1! I don't know why I like this player! Maybe because it's spectacular and a very good player!
Also I like anothers players, Lebron James, Pau Gasol, Dwight Howard, Kobe Bryant, Antonhy, Iverson...etc.

I put two videos one of McGrady and another of the NBA in general:


Hello, I have decided to do on entry about the best signing that Madrid has done for the History of this club, the player names is Pepe, on defence, this player has cost 30 millons of euros.
I think he is a bad player, he es a clown in the soccer field,
for example: today he scored the one goal of Deportivo, but he scored on own goal. And if Barça will win tomorrow, the league will be more emotionant.



Hello, today I'm so happy because I have finished the exams, I don't think that I have failed any subjects, I still don't know the marks but I prefer not to think about this.
Today starts the EASTER holidays and I want to enjoy my self, I'm going out everynight and in the morning I will sleep until the lunch time.


I play football, my team is Esplais and now I write a little bit about Esplais Juvenil!
This year, the Juvenils of Esplais are in the first devision, it's important because this is seriously, but the team was bad in the league, we are at 11th position, if we continue this way we will go to the second devision! But I trust that the team will go upwards! We have a good team!
I'm angry because I have injured for 2 months approximatly! But after this EASER I will be preparate to play and if it's possible help the team!




Why I can't see my national team in the World Cup? we are a nation and it's normal that we demand the oficiality of the national team! I hope that in the future I'll can see Catalonia play versus Spain in the World Cup or Eurocup, it is one of my dreams that I have and the nationals teams of Euskal Herria, Galicia, Andalusia... too.



Good Bye everybody!