Barça vs Madrid!
I want to talk about the classical football match, in Spain, Barça-Madrid.
Barça won the match by 2-0 at the last week vefore the match everybody from Barcelona thought that Barça would win by many goals, because Barça is with a exceptional form and Madrid was going through a crisis, and Madrid sacked the trainer Bern Shuster after that he said: “Now, is impossible to beat Barça in the Camp Nou”
The match was dominated by Barça, but Barça didn’t score until the minute 83 after that Eto’o failed a penalty. Eto’o scored the first goal and Messi in the last minute score the second goal lobbing the bail over the goalkeeper.
I’m very happy with this result because I’m a supporter of Barça and in the bet we did in our English class I put Barça to win by 2-0.
English Drink
In English when a person uses the word “drink” he or she means “alcoholic drink” but do not forget that there are many other kinds of drinks:
Milk, for example, orangeade, lemonade and other drinks with no alcohol are called “soft drinks”
Beer is, perhaps, the favourite drink of the British. There are a lot of types of beer. The typically British beer is served warm and you must get used to it before you can really enjoy it.
Lager is a type of beer which was imported from the continent and is now very popular.
When you want to drink beer you ask for a pint, or half a pint. Shandy is a mixture of beer and lemonade and it is very refreshing in summer.
Fast Food!
In England the tourists don' t happy because this food is very diferent and rare that the mediterranian food or Russian food, fast food isn' t good for the body.
In England there are very much fat people.
This is a bad form of eat and the organitzation of the breakfast, dinner and lunch doesn' t correct.
In the morning england people eat very much, but in the lunch normally they only eat a sandwich. Her typical breakfast is white beans, two eggs, cheese, sausages, tost with jam and orange juice. This is impressive!! Her stomach does acostume at this situation, but the tourist's stomach doesn' t adapt. It is a great problem because these people do not know that it he puts in danger to his body.
I thankfully i follow the Mediterranian diet that say that is of healthier that they exist. Someone has to do something, because it don't goes to augment the number of fat people and augment the mortality.
"Barraks in Girona"
The first Friday I slept in the flat of my friends: Aleix, Gerard and Ferran,
The next Thursday I go to barracks and I slept in my friends flat too, and finally on Saturday, I left barracks at seven o’clock with my brother.
In my opinion the best day, was the last Saturday, because It was the day that there was more friends.
In conclusion, this year’s going to barracks has been very good and I had a very good time with my friends.
The last two weeks!
I have eight exams in the last nine days, of the term.
Next Tuesday we have the first exam, Scientific Physics, on Thursday one exam of History of Spain and Friday one exam of extra Maths…
On the last week, on Monday I have a Biology exam, on Tuesday a Catalan exam, on Wednesday an English exam, on Thursday a Chemistry exam, and finally a Maths exam.
I hope to I pass all the subjects, but it will be nearly impossible!
Today I will write to you about my favourite sport: Football.
I have played football for eleven years with Esplais, but this year I had to finish because I had some problems on my back.
Also I watch a lot of football on T.V., Spanish league and Premier league.
My favourite team is Barça, the best club in the world. I hope that this year with Pep Guardiola we will win the Champions league, the Spanish league and the King’s cup.
The only thing that I hate of Barça is their supporters, because they are very quiet in the stadium when Barça plays.
Also, I like Liverpool, Arsenal, Girona, Real Sociedad and Athletic de Bilbao.

A funny video!
This morning I went to visit the page of yutube and I watched a funny video of Football, I have laughted a lot, please watch this video!
Education System!
I think this system isn’t good for the students, the statistics say that Spain is one of the last countries in Europe for education. In my opinion we do some stupid subjects, for example: music, drawing...
And now the new law, the LOE is much worse than the old law.
I think the government makes education law very badly.
Fisica o Quimica!
Today I’ll talk about física o química , my favourite TV’s serial and thefavourite serie tv of many friends.The series speaks of young people who are students of a school and which they have typical histories of school with loving relations,violations, familiar bulling…
Is the best series than the sight is at the moment and much people of my class. They do Mondays at night.
Finally I mean that there are series that do the competition to him, like the boarding school or some more. For my he is the best one.
The end of school!
Because I'm looking forward to summer arriving, I'm tired for a lot of things, above all from Batxillerat, It's long, boring and difficult, besides now it started to be warm, and you are more tired than in winter.
At the play time we go swimming in Baldiri's house.
Finally I'm going to talk about summer.
In summer, I hope I will be working as a beache watcher. Now I'm studing to get the liscence to be a beach watcher, I like it.
They are a little group from Torroella de Montgri, the group is made of: violenist, a drummer, a bass guitar and an electric guitar.
A little time ago, they made a record.
On 1st of August , they will play in Castelló d'Empúries.
Why I'm writting aobut this group?
Because in the group my cousin poloays the bass guitar.
Below look at a song from this group.
Spanish Politicans!
The politicians in Spanish don’t see about the other people. They only see their problems and the problems of other politician team. Spanish have a lot of different things between other countries of Europe because the politician only important the problems near their and the other problems are the last part to sort. The opposition in the government only attacks the ideas of the president to win more votes to next elections.
Definitely, Spanish government isn’t more effective than the countries that we want comparator and the politicians don’t see that.
For today that is all, tomorrow more. By and study more for philosophy exam.
How have you the day?
My day is how others, studying for the exams.
But this moment is for chance the routine.
Today I am talking about the music. Music is different for each people and every person have his style of music. These types of music are good if you like that. I don’t have a style of music. I like every types of music, well any types more or less. But my prefer type of music is rock but that type of music is difficult to listen in the disco and here I listen a dance. Dance is my favourite disco music. But you can see my listen other types of music how pop, ska, heavy… I accept all kinds of music.
The music is a subject difficult to speak.
Well, that is all.I come back to study.
Bye and enjoy with the life if you can.
Spanish Red!
Saturday Night!
See you friends!!
Barça vs Manchester!
Today, I hope it will be a great day for Barça, at quarter to nine, the match with Manchester will start. The favourite team is Manchester, they are in very good form.
The match coincides with St.Jordi, a national day in Catalonia this is a chance for Barça for to be complete the feast.
The first tie will be played in Camp Nou, it will be full to the brim, the return match, will be in Old Trafford, "the theatre of dreams".
We will go to see a match in Baldiri's House, a friend of mine. If Barça win the matc we will dive into the swimming pool.
Prision Break!
Today I’ll talk about Prison Break, my favourite TV’s serial and the best serie in the world.
The serie is about a person that is sentenced to death for a crime that he didn’t do. His brother studies to help him to escape from prison.This is very complicated but in the end he and his brother escape from prison.This is a serial with corrupted governments which it is the real life.
I love this serial!
My Class!
Because I LIKE THIS GAME, I like the spectacles, I like sports... one match of the NBA is one wonder for sight, and furthermore the latest years some Spanish players have gone to this league!
I haven't got a favourite team but I like Lakers, Toronto, Cleveland, Denver... but my favourite player is Tracy Mcgrady, he plays with Houston Rockets, her number is 1! I don't know why I like this player! Maybe because it's spectacular and a very good player!
Also I like anothers players, Lebron James, Pau Gasol, Dwight Howard, Kobe Bryant, Antonhy, Iverson...etc.
I put two videos one of McGrady and another of the NBA in general: